Grand Hotel Aiju in the Heart of Nasu, Tochigi, Japan: Reviews on Grand Hotel Aiju

Discover Luxury at Grand Hotel Aiju in the Heart of Nasu, Japan

Prepare to immerse yourself in a world of luxury and sophistication at Grand Hotel Aiju. Nestled in the heart of Nasu, Tochigi, Japan, this Grand Hotel Aiju promises an experience like no other.

Grand Hotel Aiju Exterior

Exquisite Location and Elegant Ambiance

Located at 206-116,Yumoto,Nasu Gun, Nasu, Tochigi, 325-0301, Japan, Grand Hotel Aiju provides easy access to the city’s vibrant attractions. It seamlessly blends comfort and luxury, creating an oasis of tranquility.

Elevated Accommodations and Personalized Service

With 60 meticulously designed rooms spread across 6 floors, Grand Hotel Aiju ensures a personalized experience for every guest. The hotel’s history, marked by its opening in 1963 and renovation in 1989, showcases a commitment to modernity and timeless elegance.

Grand Hotel Aiju Interior 1
Grand Hotel Aiju Interior 2

Luxurious Amenities and Unmatched Views

Grand Hotel Aiju Amenities

Indulge in the Hostel accommodations that offer sweeping views of the city. From its dining options to spa services, Grand Hotel Aiju delivers a -star experience in every facet of your stay.

Unforgettable Explorations and Exceptional Service

Whether you’re a business traveler or a leisure seeker, Grand Hotel Aiju is perfectly situated for exploring Nasu. With numerous reviews and an average rating of 0.0/10, you can trust in the quality of service provided.

Premium Experience Starting from Starting Rates USD

Grand Hotel Aiju Ambiance

Experience unparalleled luxury starting from starting rates USD, promising an exclusive and unforgettable stay in Nasu, Tochigi, Japan.

Hotel Overview

Guest Ratings and Reviews

Based on numerous reviews, Grand Hotel Aiju has an average rating of 0.0/10. Guests consistently praise the quality of service, amenities, and the overall experience.

Book Your Unforgettable Stay Now

Embark on a journey of luxury and comfort at Grand Hotel Aiju. Book your stay now and savor a one-of-a-kind experience that marries opulent living with genuine hospitality, all set against the captivating backdrop of Nasu.

Hotel Summary

Hotel NameGrand Hotel Aiju
Customer Rating0.0/10
Check-In Time03:00 PM
Check-Out Time10:00 AM
Number of Rooms60
Number of Floors6
Year Opened1963
Year Renovated1989
Address206-116,Yumoto,Nasu Gun
LocationView on Google Maps


The breakfast buffet was incredible at Grand Hotel Aiju! So much variety and everything was fresh and delicious. A real highlight of our stay.

— Melinda Blatt

Surprisingly quiet for a hotel in the city center. We slept like babies at Grand Hotel Aiju!

— Mckasson Temple

A little gem just off the main tourist trail. Quiet, charming, and with a real local feel at Grand Hotel Aiju.

— Assadour Milan

The in-house restaurant at Grand Hotel Aiju exceeded our expectations. The food was delicious, and the ambiance was lovely.

— Dezza Grapes

We enjoyed the nightly turndown service at Grand Hotel Aiju. It added a touch of luxury to our stay.

— Brent Minionis

Our stay at Grand Hotel Aiju was nothing short of amazing. From check-in to check-out, the experience was flawless.

— Marcucci Wilkins

Kudos to the staff at Grand Hotel Aiju for their exceptional service. Friendly, attentive, and always willing to assist.

— Henriette Hollingsworth

We appreciated the eco-friendly initiatives at Grand Hotel Aiju. It's reassuring to stay at a hotel committed to sustainability.

— Mr. Marta

Design and architecture of Grand Hotel Aiju reflected modernity and local charm.

— Hyatt Schustir

An average stay at Grand Hotel Aiju. Clean rooms, but lacking any standout features.

— Glenn Aponte

Breakfast options at Grand Hotel Aiju were standard. Could use more variety.

— Katarina Losardo

The ambiance at Grand Hotel Aiju was neutral. Neither too lively nor too quiet.

— Dennis Branen

The exterior of Grand Hotel Aiju was average. Didn't leave a lasting impression.

— Ancelmo Kozlowski

The lobby area at Grand Hotel Aiju was ordinary. Nothing remarkable about the design.

— Paul Astron

The hotel signage at Grand Hotel Aiju was clear. Easy navigation around the premises.

— Chinwe Chance

The complimentary breakfast at Grand Hotel Aiju had a decent selection. Catered to various preferences.

— Guadalupe Sawaya

The parking facilities at Grand Hotel Aiju were convenient. Accessible and secure.

— Martin Vecerril

The cleanliness standards at Grand Hotel Aiju were upheld. Well-maintained throughout.

— Satish Cal

The cleanliness of my room at Grand Hotel Aiju left much to be desired. Not up to standard.

— Ami Veson

The service quality at Grand Hotel Aiju was abysmal. Rude and unprofessional staff.

— Marcel Eisenberg

The parking situation at Grand Hotel Aiju was a nightmare. Limited spaces and high fees.

— Ricarda Crowther

The food quality at Grand Hotel Aiju was atrocious. Tasteless and poorly prepared meals.

— Katelyn Moraitis

The bathroom facilities at Grand Hotel Aiju were in dire need of repairs. Leaks and malfunctions.

— Emir Weiss

The decor throughout Grand Hotel Aiju was outdated and tacky. Felt stuck in the past.

— Cheslea Kest

My experience at Grand Hotel Aiju was nothing short of a nightmare. Terrible service and unresponsive staff.

— Porfirio Soyars

The view from my room at Grand Hotel Aiju was dreadful. Overlooking a noisy and unpleasant scene.

— Lucy Cetina

The state of hygiene at Grand Hotel Aiju was horrifying. I wouldn't dare stay there again.

— Ronja Benny

I had to endure constant plumbing issues at Grand Hotel Aiju. The smell alone was unbearable.

— Connie Bowden

The elevators at Grand Hotel Aiju were a constant source of frustration. Always breaking down.

— Jody Foss

I couldn't get a good night's sleep at Grand Hotel Aiju due to constant noise disruptions.

— Paco London

Grand Hotel Aiju exceeded all expectations. The brand's commitment to quality shone through in every aspect of my stay, from the plush rooms to the exceptional service.

— Marciano Lumb

My visit to Grand Hotel Aiju in Nasu was truly memorable. The brand's dedication to excellence, along with the -star accommodations, made it an unforgettable retreat.

— Girish Vialpando

I recently enjoyed a stay at Grand Hotel Aiju, and it was phenomenal. The brand's dedication to excellence and the -star accommodations made it a truly memorable retreat.

— Berit Melman

General Information

Q: Tell me more about Grand Hotel Aiju's check-in and check-out process. Is it straightforward?

A: Checking in at Grand Hotel Aiju is a breeze, starting at 03:00 PM, and checking out is hassle-free, ending by 10:00 AM.

Q: Can you provide a brief overview of Grand Hotel Aiju's history, from its opening year to recent renovations?

A: Grand Hotel Aiju opened its doors to guests in 1963. It has been keeping up with the times through renovations in 1989.

Booking and Rates

Q: Can you guide me on how to book a room at Grand Hotel Aiju online?

A: Booking a room at Grand Hotel Aiju is simple! Visit the official website link and follow the easy steps to secure your stay.

Q: Can I modify or cancel my booking at Grand Hotel Aiju, and what's the process for doing so?

A: Yes, you can modify or cancel your booking at Grand Hotel Aiju. Visit the website or contact the hotel directly for assistance.

Q: Are there any additional fees or charges I should be aware of when booking at Grand Hotel Aiju?

A: Grand Hotel Aiju strives to be transparent. Check the booking details for any additional fees, ensuring you have all the information upfront.

Q: How does Grand Hotel Aiju ensure a secure and hassle-free booking process for guests?

A: Grand Hotel Aiju employs secure online booking systems and provides clear information, ensuring a safe and hassle-free experience for guests.

Q: Can I find last-minute deals or promotions when booking at Grand Hotel Aiju?

A: Yes, Grand Hotel Aiju often offers last-minute deals and promotions. Keep an eye on the website for special offers and discounts.

Q: Are there any loyalty programs or rewards for frequent guests at Grand Hotel Aiju?

A: Yes, Grand Hotel Aiju may have a loyalty program that rewards frequent guests with perks, discounts, or special privileges. Check with the hotel for details.

Q: How does Grand Hotel Aiju ensure the privacy and security of guest information during the booking process?

A: Grand Hotel Aiju prioritizes guest privacy and security by employing secure booking platforms and following industry best practices.

Facilities and Accommodations

Q: Does Grand Hotel Aiju provide accessible accommodations for guests with special needs?

A: Yes, Grand Hotel Aiju is committed to accessibility and provides accommodations designed for guests with special needs. Contact the hotel for specific requirements.

Q: Are there any pet-friendly accommodations or services available at Grand Hotel Aiju?

A: Grand Hotel Aiju understands the importance of furry friends. Check with the hotel for pet-friendly accommodations and services.

Location and Nearby

Q: Are there shopping or dining options within walking distance from Grand Hotel Aiju?

A: Yes, Grand Hotel Aiju is surrounded by shopping and dining options, making it convenient for guests to explore the local area.

Q: Does Grand Hotel Aiju provide shuttle services to popular attractions or transportation hubs?

A: Grand Hotel Aiju may offer shuttle services to popular attractions or transportation hubs. Check with the front desk for availability and schedules.

Frequently Asked

Q: In which city is Grand Hotel Aiju located?

A: Grand Hotel Aiju is situated in Nasu, Tochigi, Japan.

Q: Can you provide information about Grand Hotel Aiju's check-in and check-out times?

A: Grand Hotel Aiju offers check-in from 03:00 PM and check-out until 10:00 AM.

Q: How many rooms does Grand Hotel Aiju have?

A: Grand Hotel Aiju has a total of 60 rooms.

Q: When was Grand Hotel Aiju opened to the public?

A: Grand Hotel Aiju opened its doors to the public in 1963.

Q: Has Grand Hotel Aiju undergone any recent renovations?

A: Yes, Grand Hotel Aiju underwent renovations in 1989.

Q: What is the average rating as per reviews for Grand Hotel Aiju?

A: Grand Hotel Aiju holds an average rating of 0.0 based on reviews.

Q: Can you provide information about Grand Hotel Aiju's accommodation types?

A: Grand Hotel Aiju offers various types of accommodations, including Hostel.

Q: Discover the allure of Grand Hotel Aiju - What sets its accommodations apart?

A: Grand Hotel Aiju captivates guests with its unique Hostel accommodations.

Q: Grand Hotel Aiju Essence - What makes its presence in Nasu truly unforgettable?

A: Immerse yourself in the essence of Grand Hotel Aiju and its impact on the vibrant city of Nasu.

Q: Grand Hotel Aiju Unveiled - A visual journey through its distinctive features.

A: Embark on a visual odyssey showcasing the unique features that define Grand Hotel Aiju.

Q: Grand Hotel Aiju Symphony - How has it harmonized with the spirit of Nasu?

A: Delve into the symphony of Grand Hotel Aiju as it resonates with the cultural heartbeat of Nasu.

Q: Grand Hotel Aiju Oasis - A haven of tranquility in Nasu. What sets it apart?

A: Discover why Grand Hotel Aiju is considered an oasis of tranquility amidst the bustling energy of Nasu.

Q: Grand Hotel Aiju Renaissance - How has it evolved since its opening in 1963?

A: Take a journey through the renaissance of Grand Hotel Aiju, exploring its evolution since 1963.

Q: Grand Hotel Aiju Chronicles - An animated tale of its history and modernity.

A: Immerse yourself in the animated chronicles of Grand Hotel Aiju, seamlessly blending history with modernity.

Q: Grand Hotel Aiju Horizon - A panoramic view of its surroundings. What lies beyond?

A: Witness the panoramic horizon that surrounds Grand Hotel Aiju, offering a glimpse of the enchanting world beyond its walls.

Q: Grand Hotel Aiju Canvas - An artistic portrayal of its facilities and amenities.

A: Experience the artistic canvas that showcases the facilities and amenities that make Grand Hotel Aiju unique.

Q: Grand Hotel Aiju Odyssey - A virtual tour through its history, amenities, and reviews.

A: Embark on a virtual odyssey, exploring the history, amenities, and reviews that shape the identity of Grand Hotel Aiju.

Q: Grand Hotel Aiju Mirage - What illusions does it dispel, and what realities does it reveal?

A: Peer through the metaphorical mirage of Grand Hotel Aiju, uncovering the truths that lie beneath the surface.