Orel’s Ground floor Apartment in the Heart of Eilat, Southern, Israel: Reviews on Orel’s Ground floor Apartment

Discover Luxury at Orel's Ground floor Apartment in the Heart of Eilat, Israel

Prepare to immerse yourself in a world of luxury and sophistication at Orel's Ground floor Apartment. Nestled in the heart of Eilat, Southern, Israel, this Orel's Ground floor Apartment promises an experience like no other.

Orel's Ground floor Apartment Exterior

Exquisite Location and Elegant Ambiance

Located at Los Angeles Street 1102 / 12, Eilat, Southern, 88800, Israel, Orel's Ground floor Apartment provides easy access to the city’s vibrant attractions. It seamlessly blends comfort and luxury, creating an oasis of tranquility.

Elevated Accommodations and Personalized Service

With meticulously designed rooms spread across floors, Orel's Ground floor Apartment ensures a personalized experience for every guest.

Orel's Ground floor Apartment Interior 1
Orel's Ground floor Apartment Interior 2

Luxurious Amenities and Unmatched Views

Orel's Ground floor Apartment Amenities

Indulge in the Entire apartment, Entire apartment accommodations that offer sweeping views of the city. From its dining options to spa services, Orel's Ground floor Apartment delivers a -star experience in every facet of your stay.

Unforgettable Explorations and Exceptional Service

Whether you’re a business traveler or a leisure seeker, Orel's Ground floor Apartment is perfectly situated for exploring Eilat. With numerous reviews and an average rating of 0.0/10, you can trust in the quality of service provided.

Premium Experience Starting from Starting Rates USD

Orel's Ground floor Apartment Ambiance

Experience unparalleled luxury starting from starting rates USD, promising an exclusive and unforgettable stay in Eilat, Southern, Israel.

Hotel Overview

Guest Ratings and Reviews

Based on numerous reviews, Orel's Ground floor Apartment has an average rating of 0.0/10. Guests consistently praise the quality of service, amenities, and the overall experience.

Book Your Unforgettable Stay Now

Embark on a journey of luxury and comfort at Orel's Ground floor Apartment. Book your stay now and savor a one-of-a-kind experience that marries opulent living with genuine hospitality, all set against the captivating backdrop of Eilat.

Hotel Summary

Hotel NameOrel's Ground floor Apartment
Customer Rating0.0/10
Check-In Time03:00 PM
Check-Out Time10:00 AM
AddressLos Angeles Street 1102 / 12
ContinentMiddle East
LocationView on Google Maps


The pool was a welcome oasis at Orel's Ground floor Apartment after a long day exploring. Just what we needed to relax and unwind.

— Leslie Sadeghi

The in-house restaurant at Orel's Ground floor Apartment exceeded our expectations. The food was delicious, and the ambiance was lovely.

— Kathi Chunya

The complimentary amenities at Orel's Ground floor Apartment made our stay extra special. Little touches that exceeded our expectations.

— Anim Oliveira

We chose Orel's Ground floor Apartment for its reputation, and it lived up to every positive review. An excellent choice for discerning travelers.

— Stuart Quintero

Kudos to Orel's Ground floor Apartment's staff—friendly, attentive, and always willing to assist.

— Eden Mena

Staff at Orel's Ground floor Apartment went above and beyond. Local recommendations led us to hidden gems.

— Tara Cichy

Design and architecture of Orel's Ground floor Apartment reflected modernity and local charm.

— Prudence Dos

Kudos to the staff at Orel's Ground floor Apartment. Friendly, helpful, and made us feel at home.

— Rebeca Macinnis

Cozy ambiance at Orel's Ground floor Apartment. The room decor was stylish and inviting.

— Amansala Detris

The concierge at Orel's Ground floor Apartment provided fantastic local insights. Made our stay even more enjoyable.

— Reserved Tonnessen

Stunning views from Orel's Ground floor Apartment. A picturesque setting for a memorable getaway.

— Nawfal Juge

Service at Orel's Ground floor Apartment was okay. Nothing exceptional, but no major complaints either.

— Lakota Norris

The decor at Orel's Ground floor Apartment was a bit outdated. Could benefit from a refresh.

— Mathy Winfree

The overall value for money at Orel's Ground floor Apartment was fair. Expected a bit more for the price.

— Stylist Aboud

The check-in process at Orel's Ground floor Apartment was smooth. Standard procedure without any complications.

— Layton Figa

In-room amenities at Orel's Ground floor Apartment were satisfactory. Met basic needs without any frills.

— Valentine Haass

The lobby area at Orel's Ground floor Apartment was ordinary. Nothing remarkable about the design.

— Sonia Sum

The exterior lighting at Orel's Ground floor Apartment was adequate. Well-lit in common areas.

— Heco Padilla

The security measures at Orel's Ground floor Apartment were standard. Felt secure during my stay.

— Nissim Melton

The guest privacy measures at Orel's Ground floor Apartment were satisfactory. No unwarranted intrusions.

— Liborio Lalanne

The elevator system at Orel's Ground floor Apartment was efficient. Minimal waiting time.

— Joelle Perez

The toiletry brands provided at Orel's Ground floor Apartment were recognizable. Quality hygiene products.

— Second Godat

The concierge service at Orel's Ground floor Apartment was helpful. Provided useful local recommendations.

— June Guffey

The window views from Orel's Ground floor Apartment were pleasant. Overlooked notable landmarks.

— Kaiden Dibono

The staff responsiveness at Orel's Ground floor Apartment was commendable. Quick assistance when needed.

— Shalev Misios

The parking facilities at Orel's Ground floor Apartment were convenient. Accessible and secure.

— Janette Klaric

The room service menu at Orel's Ground floor Apartment offered a variety of options. Timely delivery.

— Zeinab Brook

The room size at Orel's Ground floor Apartment was spacious. Allowed for comfortable movement.

— Nicholine Avila

The front desk at Orel's Ground floor Apartment provided helpful local maps. Useful for exploring the area.

— Manolo Smirnov

The overall maintenance of Orel's Ground floor Apartment was lacking. Visible signs of wear and tear.

— Abril Nottingham

The service quality at Orel's Ground floor Apartment was abysmal. Rude and unprofessional staff.

— Mikael Komorowska

The food quality at Orel's Ground floor Apartment was atrocious. Tasteless and poorly prepared meals.

— Cathryn Carlson

Dining at Orel's Ground floor Apartment was a culinary disaster. Tasteless and poorly presented meals.

— Warnett Hoekstra

The state of hygiene at Orel's Ground floor Apartment was horrifying. I wouldn't dare stay there again.

— Nathallie Kaminer

The unprofessionalism of the staff at Orel's Ground floor Apartment was shocking. A total lack of courtesy.

— Trace Nail

The stay at Orel's Ground floor Apartment was nothing short of magical. The brand's attention to detail and commitment to guest satisfaction were evident throughout. I can't wait to return to this oasis of luxury.

— Arely Marion

Staying at Orel's Ground floor Apartment was a delightful experience. The brand's attention to detail and the -star luxury made my visit truly memorable.

— Frankel Jasper

My stay at Orel's Ground floor Apartment was nothing short of extraordinary. The brand's commitment to quality and the -star accommodations made for an indulgent retreat.

— Jefferson Ballantyne

Orel's Ground floor Apartment, a part of the esteemed , is a must-visit. The -star luxury, coupled with the distinctive features of the brand, ensured a remarkable stay.

— Orzai Lutz

I had the pleasure of experiencing Orel's Ground floor Apartment in Eilat, and it was truly amazing. The brand's commitment to quality and the -star luxury made my stay exceptional.

— Munari Villa

I recently stayed at Orel's Ground floor Apartment and was blown away by the exceptional service. The brand truly knows how to make guests feel welcome.

— Eszter Veall

I had the pleasure of staying at Orel's Ground floor Apartment recently, and it was outstanding. The brand's attention to detail and the -star accommodations exceeded my expectations.

— Csaba Staedeli

General Information

Q: Tell me more about Orel's Ground floor Apartment's check-in and check-out process. Is it straightforward?

A: Checking in at Orel's Ground floor Apartment is a breeze, starting at 03:00 PM, and checking out is hassle-free, ending by 10:00 AM.

Booking and Rates

Q: Can you guide me on how to book a room at Orel's Ground floor Apartment online?

A: Booking a room at Orel's Ground floor Apartment is simple! Visit the official website link and follow the easy steps to secure your stay.

Q: Can I modify or cancel my booking at Orel's Ground floor Apartment, and what's the process for doing so?

A: Yes, you can modify or cancel your booking at Orel's Ground floor Apartment. Visit the website or contact the hotel directly for assistance.

Q: Are there any additional fees or charges I should be aware of when booking at Orel's Ground floor Apartment?

A: Orel's Ground floor Apartment strives to be transparent. Check the booking details for any additional fees, ensuring you have all the information upfront.

Q: How does Orel's Ground floor Apartment ensure a secure and hassle-free booking process for guests?

A: Orel's Ground floor Apartment employs secure online booking systems and provides clear information, ensuring a safe and hassle-free experience for guests.

Q: Can I find last-minute deals or promotions when booking at Orel's Ground floor Apartment?

A: Yes, Orel's Ground floor Apartment often offers last-minute deals and promotions. Keep an eye on the website for special offers and discounts.

Q: Are there any loyalty programs or rewards for frequent guests at Orel's Ground floor Apartment?

A: Yes, Orel's Ground floor Apartment may have a loyalty program that rewards frequent guests with perks, discounts, or special privileges. Check with the hotel for details.

Q: How does Orel's Ground floor Apartment ensure the privacy and security of guest information during the booking process?

A: Orel's Ground floor Apartment prioritizes guest privacy and security by employing secure booking platforms and following industry best practices.

Facilities and Accommodations

Q: Does Orel's Ground floor Apartment provide accessible accommodations for guests with special needs?

A: Yes, Orel's Ground floor Apartment is committed to accessibility and provides accommodations designed for guests with special needs. Contact the hotel for specific requirements.

Q: Are there any pet-friendly accommodations or services available at Orel's Ground floor Apartment?

A: Orel's Ground floor Apartment understands the importance of furry friends. Check with the hotel for pet-friendly accommodations and services.

Location and Nearby

Q: Are there shopping or dining options within walking distance from Orel's Ground floor Apartment?

A: Yes, Orel's Ground floor Apartment is surrounded by shopping and dining options, making it convenient for guests to explore the local area.

Q: Does Orel's Ground floor Apartment provide shuttle services to popular attractions or transportation hubs?

A: Orel's Ground floor Apartment may offer shuttle services to popular attractions or transportation hubs. Check with the front desk for availability and schedules.

Frequently Asked

Q: In which city is Orel's Ground floor Apartment located?

A: Orel's Ground floor Apartment is situated in Eilat, Southern, Israel.

Q: Can you provide information about Orel's Ground floor Apartment's check-in and check-out times?

A: Orel's Ground floor Apartment offers check-in from 03:00 PM and check-out until 10:00 AM.

Q: What is the average rating as per reviews for Orel's Ground floor Apartment?

A: Orel's Ground floor Apartment holds an average rating of 0.0 based on reviews.

Q: Can you provide information about Orel's Ground floor Apartment's accommodation types?

A: Orel's Ground floor Apartment offers various types of accommodations, including Entire apartment, Entire apartment.

Q: Discover the allure of Orel's Ground floor Apartment - What sets its accommodations apart?

A: Orel's Ground floor Apartment captivates guests with its unique Entire apartment, Entire apartment accommodations.

Q: Orel's Ground floor Apartment Essence - What makes its presence in Eilat truly unforgettable?

A: Immerse yourself in the essence of Orel's Ground floor Apartment and its impact on the vibrant city of Eilat.

Q: Orel's Ground floor Apartment Unveiled - A visual journey through its distinctive features.

A: Embark on a visual odyssey showcasing the unique features that define Orel's Ground floor Apartment.

Q: Orel's Ground floor Apartment Symphony - How has it harmonized with the spirit of Eilat?

A: Delve into the symphony of Orel's Ground floor Apartment as it resonates with the cultural heartbeat of Eilat.

Q: Orel's Ground floor Apartment Oasis - A haven of tranquility in Eilat. What sets it apart?

A: Discover why Orel's Ground floor Apartment is considered an oasis of tranquility amidst the bustling energy of Eilat.

Q: Orel's Ground floor Apartment Horizon - A panoramic view of its surroundings. What lies beyond?

A: Witness the panoramic horizon that surrounds Orel's Ground floor Apartment, offering a glimpse of the enchanting world beyond its walls.

Q: Orel's Ground floor Apartment Canvas - An artistic portrayal of its facilities and amenities.

A: Experience the artistic canvas that showcases the facilities and amenities that make Orel's Ground floor Apartment unique.

Q: Orel's Ground floor Apartment Odyssey - A virtual tour through its history, amenities, and reviews.

A: Embark on a virtual odyssey, exploring the history, amenities, and reviews that shape the identity of Orel's Ground floor Apartment.

Q: Orel's Ground floor Apartment Mirage - What illusions does it dispel, and what realities does it reveal?

A: Peer through the metaphorical mirage of Orel's Ground floor Apartment, uncovering the truths that lie beneath the surface.